Most times the attorney-client relationship is based on getting and receiving information to help you reach the best outcome. One may hear the paid advice given, but do you LISTEN to your attorney? Do they LISTEN to you? If you are not, you might want to keep the following in mind:
You hired them, did you do your research? They may claim to specialize in Family Law and Child Custody, but in Texas are they board certified? How much court experience do they have in Family cases?
Can you effective and consistently communicate? At the initial consultation, they are relying on what you have told them. Once you hire them and have privilege it is not wise to keep secrets. It will most likely surface, even if it is not your spouse telling them. Spill! Better for them to know and prepare than not and you, your attorney and your case will suffer in the end. Worse yet, if you don’t’ speak for months at a time, this may be worth looking at why you don’t’.